Friday, September 7, 2007

Letter to baby Ava

Hi baby,

How are you? Is everything alright there? How are mama's internal organs? Did you rearrange them? baby.
You were so lazy last night. Mama could hardly breathe and sleep and you always kick papa's face whenever he kisses mama's tummy...
In less than a month, you will see how handsome your papa is...hehehehehe...and mama, according to her, has to work on her figure again.
Yesterday, mama told me she's scared of getting into labor. I told her to calm down. She has to focus on who is it that she's going to see after the labor.
Today, we will buy a few things for you. Just take your time...and while you're there, try to clean mama's intestines.


What I Love and Crave For

I love life. I love to build relationships and nurture it to last for the longest time. Trust and loyalty is what I value most in any relationship thus I will stand and fight for it whenever I needed to. I think the best way to enjoy life is spending it with your loved ones.

I love to laugh. Though most of the time I am perceived as serious and conceited it only masked the shyness and vulnerability inside. But I find the dumbest idea in simple things and make or laugh to my corniest jokes. Life doesn't need to be so damn serious.

I crave for learning. I try to learn new things as much as I could and I try to see where my curiosity and capabilities will bring me. Few things that interest me are politics, poetry, music and fitness. I try to find time to learn and practice them whenever possible. I write poetry and blog entries to express my feelings and ideas.